Company Information

- 1985: Eastablished The Art Corporation
- 1988: Eastablished The Daniel Industrial Co.,Ltd. Changed the Company Name
- 1995: Eastablished China Factory in Tianjin,China
- 1998: Be awarded a prize of million US$ Export Tower by the President of Korea
- 1998: A distinguished service medal of Export-KOTIS
              a person of merit, President & Manager
- 1999: Moved Tianjin,China Factory to Shenzhen,China
- Factory Capacity: Set items (100,000Set/Month), Individual items (500,000cs/Month)
- Main Customer & Market: Overseas - Department Stores & Promotion co. in U.S.A.
- Department Stores, Cosmetic Compaines &
   Gift-Shops in Europe
- Department Stores & Gift-Shops in Japan
- Cosmetic Companies & Gift-Shops in Korea
- Annual Amount : US$2,500,000/Year

Company Information